
Dear Friend,
What you have in the following collections are the blueprints for a prosperous nation. It isn't for sale, but is given freely. The rights protected by the United States Constitution are not given by any earthly being or entity but are given by God. He has given them freely and it is up to us to keep them. The American Experiment is unlike no other, and the founders gave it freely, with much sacrifice on their part, to not only America, but to the world. The Constitution of the United States forged a path for people everywhere to establish a life of prosperity for themselves and all future generations. This blueprint is given freely. If built according to the plans, prosperity will be the result. It's up to you how well you build it. It all begins by reading, studying, and applying its principles.

The Constitution Suite requires an eBook reader on your device. It works with virtually any reader including Kindle, iBooks, ePub, etc. (iBooks Reader is best for Apple devices). After you download the file, you may need to access your download folder on your device and select the file and share with the reader you have on your device. It will them be added to your eBook library.

The US Constitution Reference Suite is an ebook collection which includes:

The Constitution of the United States Collection

  • The Constitution of the United States
  • A Brief History
  • National Archives' America's Founding Fathers: Delegates to the Constutional Convention
  • List of Delegates and Additional Brief Biographies

The Declaration of Independence Collection
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • A Brief History of the Declaration of Independence
  • List of Declaration Signers and Brief Biographies

The Founding Fathers Collection
  • Introduction to the Founding Fathers
  • List of Signers of the Declaration of Independence
  • List of Delegates to the Constitutional Convention
  • List of Other Founders
  • Famous Quotes from the Founders

Other Founding Documents Collection
  • Magna Carta
  • A Brief History of Magna Carta
  • The Mayflower Compact
  • A Brief History of The Mayflower Compact
  • The First Written Constitution
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • A Brief History of The Articles of Confederation

Classic Works Collection
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine
  • The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
  • The Federalist Papers by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
  • Democracy in American by Alixis de Tocqueville

Inaugural Address of the Presidents

Audio Book of the US Constitution

Audio Book of the Declaration of Independence

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